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In this engaging talk at Enable’s Catalyze 2024 event, Tim J. Smith, PhD, the Founder & CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, defined the challenges and questions pricing and rebate management experts should address, the industry benchmark size of a strong pricing and rebate management team, and the observed career paths of pricing and rebate management professionals.

Case studies across industries of pricing and rebate management strategic challenges, capability, and Pricing Spineometer metrics of Fortune 500 companies were discussed. Was your company featured?

Customer Value-Based Pricing, Strategies, and Examples

Tim J. Smith, the Founder & CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, sat for a pricing chat with Jasravee Kaur Chandra of Jagged with Jasravee about how to make good pricing decisions and policies. Don’t miss the talent show segment!

September 2021 conversation with Jagged with Jasravee

How Do You Price Your Products and Services?

Tim J. Smith, the Founder & CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, speaks with Nishant Garg of WhatMarketWants about pricing your offering.

September 2021 conversation with WhatMarketWants

NPR Marketplace: Tim J. Smith quoted on consumer sensitivity to price hikes


July 30, 2021. Listen here.

With surge of delta variant, will downtowns become ghost towns again?

Segment on price hikes featuring Wiglaf Pricing Founder and CEO Tim J. Smith: “The biggest issue that matters is how close is the substitute. What is my alternative to buying that product.”

Saasholes: Tim J. Smith Pricing Guru, CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, DePaul Professor, and Autho‪r

April 8, 2021. Listen here.

Tim J. Smith joins Jamie Carney and Pete Jansons to talk….. Pricing. Jamie and Pete have read Tim’s books Pricing Done Right (Wiley 2016) and Pricing Strategy (Cengage 2012) as well as used his services. (We highly vouch)


  • “Once a company reaches the 100 Million mark in Sales the pricing wild wild west is over”
  • “Pricing is sooooo Political”
  • “Ok pricing is the issue, you’re the CEO now what are you going to do about it?”
  • “Pricing is the offspring child of an unknown father”
  • “Too often Marketing is in the cups and pencils biz”


  • Bundling
  • Versioning
  • Rate Cards
  • Price Contagion (Evil)
  • Bike riding
  • Humboldt Park

Pricing Innovation and New Product Development with Kyle Westra

April 2021 conversation with The Innovation Room

Day One as Pricing Director/VP: Delivering a More Profitable Pricing Strategy

February 2021 hosted by LeveragePoint.

How to Strategically React to Competitive Price Structures

Tim Smith Dallas Texas from Dean Markham on Vimeo.

OnFire B2B Podcast

Episode #539. Tim J. Smith, the Founder & CEO of Wiglaf Pricing, tells you how to understand the real customer need and deliver/sell to that.

View the video on LinkedIn here.

Webinar with Sciative Solutions: How to Strategically React to Competitive Price Structures

View all YouTube videos here.

Wiglaf Big Idea Show

Defining Your Pricing Strategy

Get Published Podcast – Tim J. Smith – Using Major Publishers

Listen here.

In episode 535 of the Get Published Podcast, Host and 15-Time Bestselling Author Paul G. Brodie talks with Tim J. Smith about using major publishers, the writing process, and advice to aspiring authors.

Tim J. Smith is the Founder and CEO of Wiglaf Pricing. He has authored several books, most recently Pricing Done Right (Wiley 2016) and Pricing Strategy (Cengage 2012).

Impact Pricing – Tim J. Smith – Why Your Pricing Strategy Should Be a Team Effort

Listen here.

Tim J. Smith is the Founder and CEO of Wiglaf, a dynamic and growing advisory firm, where thought leaders in pricing, marketing, sales, and business strategy help firms achieve improved pricing and help executives manage price better.

Tim is also an adjunct professor at DePaul University where he is an Economics and Marketing Professor specializing in Pricing Strategy. He authors books, Pricing Strategy and Pricing Done Right. 

In today’s episode, Tim shares the pervasiveness of pricing in a company. He stressed a point on how each key role in the company should have knowledge about pricing concepts to come up with a team effort on value capture.

Moving Up on Wall Street Oasis – Kyle Westra – The science (and art) behind pricing

Kyle Westra – The science (and art) behind pricing“. 22 October 2019.

Kyle works for a strategy consultant focused on pricing. We discuss the nuts and bolts of what a consultant does and his cool new book The New Invisible Hand (5 revolutions in the digital economy). Also, a framework for how to write a book.

Kotecki on Tech – Insights from “The New Invisible Hand”

Insights from ‘The New Invisible Hand’“. 23 September 2019.

Kyle T. Westra, author of The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy, will challenge your view of the modern marketplace.

Turns out more transparency isn’t always better. And the much-maligned middleman is alive and well.

Everyday MBA with Kevin Craine – Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy

Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy“. 21 September 2019.

Kyle T. Westra discusses his book “The New Invisible Hand” (an Amazon best-selling new release) and five technological revolutions that are shaping industry and the economy today. More than 50% of small businesses fail in their first four years. At the same time, the lifespan of large companies is shrinking. Explore the factors that are disrupting the marketplace and what you can do react to competitive threats with more success and results. Listen for three action items you can use today.

Optimal Business Daily – An Excerpt from the book The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy by Kyle T. Westra

Episode 723: An Excerpt from the book The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy by Kyle T. Westra“. 11 September 2019.

Kyle T. Westra is a strategy consultant helping to improve your pricing and commercial performance. Author of Amazon Bestseller “The New Invisible Hand: Five Revolutions in the Digital Economy” (, which explores the promise and peril that new technologies are bringing to industries.

The Everyday Innovator – The 5 considerations that result in the best price for a product

Listen here.

The topic of this episode is pricing. It is a frequently asked about topic. Determining the proper price for a product  impacts profit potential and sales volume expectations. I have a great guest to help us understand the components of a pricing strategy and how to price a product. He is Tim Smith, author of five books on pricing, Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Economics at DePaul University, and founder of Wiglaf Pricing.

Summary of some concepts discussed for product managers:

  • Why is pricing important?
  • What is involved in getting prices for a product right?
  • How do we get the list price right?
  • Should promotional pricing be used?
  • What is a common mistake that is made with pricing?

Everyday MBA  –  Pricing Done Right with Tim Smith

April 29, 2017. Listen here.

Tim Smith discusses his book Pricing Done Right and the pricing framework proven successful by the world’s most profitable companies. Tim began his career as a research scientist in quantum mechanics before his pursuits led him to business, where his deep love of math and his orientation to capturing profitable customers came together in a rather unique way. He shares strategies for value-based pricing, implementation, and execution. Stay tuned after the interview for action items and bonus comments.

Professional Pricing Society: Pricing and Corporate Strategy – A Talk With Dr. Tim Smith, CPP


Listen here.

In Pricing and Corporate Strategy, Tim J. Smith, Ph.D. will share how leading firms are integrating different pricing and price management techniques throughout the corporation to maximize both growth and profitability. We will discuss the culture, structure, and process for getting pricing done right. Pricing and Corporate Strategy will clarify the areas where technology can accelerate progress and where managerial judgement calls are fundamentally required.

Professional Pricing Society: Pricing Done Right – A Talk With Dr. Tim Smith, CPP


Listen here.

Pricing is so much more than putting numbers on quotes, or associating them with products.  Pricing includes aligning one’s pricing strategy their business strategy, defining a competitive price reaction plan, setting target prices, managing price perceptions, managing price discounts, and executing all of this with accuracy and speed.  How do leading organization get all this right?

Sciative Solutions: Pricing done right, or at least not wrong


September 5, 2016. Listen here.

While some companies perform well in pricing, others make headlines for their errors that cause profits to turn to losses, jobs to turn into redundancies, and firms to visit bankruptcy court.  What separates those that get pricing right from those that get it wrong?  How can CEOs stop tripping up on pricing decisions despite all the attention and effort given to pricing?

Technology Marketing Center Audio Archive


Title: Pricing to Capture the Value of Technology

With: Tim J. Smith, Adjunct Professor of Economics & Marketing, DePaul University

Subject: Dr. Smith discusses his best-selling new book, Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts & Establishing Price Structures.

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