SIGNY by Wiglaf Pricing

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SIGNY by Wiglaf Pricing

SIGNY by Wiglaf Pricing is here to help businesses manage price better.

SIGNY by Wiglaf Pricing is a tool that allows small and medium-sized businesses to analyze historical transactions to support sales in executing better pricing. The analysis is automated, and no statistical knowledge is required. Drop in the dataset, and out comes the analysis.

Provide your sales team with our Price Segmentation Analysis tool —an AI-generated sales negotiation app to let sales know their price range for each deal, including Target, Expected, and Low prices.

Reduce decision uncertainty in deal management for your business, and put predictability and control into price management with SIGNY by Wiglaf Pricing.

Interested in a demo to see if SIGNY by Wiglaf Pricing could be right for you? Please schedule a meeting via Calendly below or contact us with any questions.

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