Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts and Establishing Price Structures

Tim J. Smith
ISBN-10: 0538480882
ISBN-13: 9780538480888
344 pages, Hardback
Learn how to make pricing decisions that will maximize a firm’s profits by creating and capturing customers with PRICING STRATEGY: SETTING PRICE LEVELS, MANAGING PRICE DISCOUNTS AND ESTABLISHING PRICE STRUCTURES. Written by recognized pricing thought leader and principal of a successful pricing firm, Tim J. Smith, this comprehensive book emphasizes the stakeholder’s importance in making decisions, while highlighting key trade-offs to consider when choosing between opposing outcomes. In this book’s balanced presentation of quantitative instruction and qualitative concepts, learn more about the influences that should guide your decision making.
“The book is the most comprehensive pricing strategy book currently available on the market. It explains conceptual pricing
topics that can be readily understood and applied by managers setting and managing price.”
Steve Shook
Professor of Marketing
University of Idaho
“The book not only covers the various aspects of strategic pricing, it also provides the necessary quantitative tools to determine the price levels. This book overcomes one of the key weaknesses of its competitor, Nagle and Holden’s Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, i.e., not enough tools to arrive at prices.”
Praveen Kopalle
Tuck School of Business
Dartmouth College